Just to create the best lamps.

How about the minimum order quantity for OEM products?
You'd better make direct contact with our staff for the exact minimum order quantity for the OEM products. Due to the influence of the processing industry chain, Shanghai Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd. needs to purchase materials such as packaging materials and raw materials from upstream enterprises who also demand a MOQ for some kinds of materials. In addition, considering our production cost and other expenses, it's reasonable to set a MOQ for the OEM products, which can ensure that we won't take the risks of losing the lowest cost.

Based on professional strength in manufacturing nitrate powder, Shanghai Yixin Chemical Co., Ltd. has become an expert for years in this industry. Yixin Chemical has created a number of successful series, and mica flakes is one of them. The product does not need much maintenance. Its solar panel contains no moving parts and its battery is well encapsulated, which greatly reduces the repair and cleaning work. It has stable physical and chemical properties. This product has been creating profit and value for customers. The product will not cause hazardous polymerization.

We have stepped up seriously into practicing sustainable development. We have strived to reduce waste and carbon footprint during production, and we also recycle packaging materials for reuse.
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